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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Applying Hand-Washing Culture

Hospital (RS) is generally known as a place of treatment and healing. But with the gathering of patients with diverse diagnoses, causing area hospitals as well as the gathering place for germs. This causes the area of infectious disease transmission RS vulnerable, be it for staff, visitors, and even the patient's own watchman.
handwashing culture
Infections are transmitted in the so-called nosocomial hospital. Thus, infections by bacteria occurs during treatment in the hospital or even afterwards. To reduce the number of nosocomial this, the team formed Sanglah Infectious Disease Control (PPI). Chairman of Committee PPI Sanglah dr. I Wayan Suryanta Dusak, Sp.OT. (K) explained, patients who are highly susceptible to infection in hospital is the patients with low immunity such as HIV / AIDS, chemotherapy patients and patients requiring intensive care in ICU and ICCU. Patients who undergo surgery or other installation tools are also susceptible to infection in the hospital.

To that end, Tim PPI Sanglah takes several steps to prevent the occurrence of nosocomial environment. One of them is a culture emphasizing hand washing, both on the medical staff, patient attendants to its visitors. Hand washing is very important especially when medics five occasions, i.e. before and after patient contact, before having the procedure, after contact with body fluids and after contact with patient surroundings.

This should be applied because the potential for infection by contact between officers with very large patients. For example is the medical officer who examined the patient and then checks the patient's respiratory tuberculosis. Surely germs from previous patients will be exposed to the next patient if the officer did not wash his hands. ''Not only that, the clerks who checked are also susceptible to infection,'' explained Dusak.

In addition to implementing handwashing culture, action sterilization of medical devices is also done centrally. The tools used repeatedly as a tool operation, disetrilkan appropriate standards before reuse. Despite these precautions apply, recognized Dusak, an infection that occurs in Sanglah remain even below the average standard. The example is the case of infection through the use of a ventilator. Based on the standard, normal infection cases occurred 10 cases per 1,000 patients.

To monitor the incidence of nosocomial, further Dusak, Sanglah have a team in the lab to monitor patterns of germs at Sanglah. In the event of an infection in a patient, it will be known if the bacteria originated from the acquisition of the hospital or community. According to Dusak, germs pattern of research at Sanglah, unknown if the germs in the hospital resistennya lower than the germs that circulate in the community. This is due to antibiotic use in the community is more varied than that given at Sanglah. '' It makes people more resistant germs and germs are more benign than in the hospital,'' said Dusak.

With the presence of this germ research patterns, the Sanglah can determine which antibiotics are not working anymore against certain germs. '' It helps the hospital to purchase the type of antibiotic. Currently there is one type of antibiotic that is resistant to all the germs in the Sanglah. With that, the administration of antibiotics to patients discontinued,'' said Dusak.

In reducing nosocomial, according Dusak, the community must participate. Applying hand-washing culture while visiting patients in the hospital and afterwards is very important. Appeal not to bring healthy children under the age of 12 years should be adhered to. '' For a ban on carrying a healthy child to the hospital, especially under the age of 12 years is rather difficult because there is no family reasoned that keep at home. In fact, children 12 years old are very susceptible to infection in the hospital because her immune system has not fully formed,'' said Dusak.