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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Benefits of Drinking Beer

drinking beer
Behind skewed impressions that often follow, mild alcoholic drink turned out to save health benefits. Drinking beer on a regular basis - not excessively drunk and even can cause health damage - turns out to have some health benefits.

A number of studies in which the Institute of Epidemiology at the University of Muenster found that drinking beer in moderation reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. The reason is simple; alcohol can increase HDL or good cholesterol useful cardiac care. Based on research by TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, Germany, loyal beer drinkers 30 percent increase blood levels of vitamin B6 in the body more than those who do not drink beer, or two times more than red wine drinkers.

Again, the study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology said the risk of middle-aged people who like to drink beer kidney stones decreased by 40 percent compared to those who did not drink at all. Yet it can be found, which component causes the beer to be magic to ward off kidney stones. But this discovery is clearly beneficial.

Harvard study found that middle-aged women who diligently drinking beer proved to have better mental function and denser bones. This is because beer contains such substances similar to estrogen, a female hormone that decreases with age. The compound xanthohumol in beer shown to inhibit cancer cells develop in the body. Therefore, excessive consumption of beer is not the same as entering a cancer antibody.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Make Our Skin Beauty

beauty skin
We need to enhance your appearance, not just make-up that needs attention. A healthy diet should you watch. Because intake of healthy foods that contain lots of fruits and vegetables, rich in fiber, low in fat, low in sugar and salt, is a source of vitamins and minerals needed by the skin to function better. You may not be aware of how wonderful the workings of vitamins and minerals to your skin.

Here are some types of vitamins and minerals that can work wonders on your skin.

Vitamin A

This vitamin is essential for the growth and repair of skin tissue specific. Lack of vitamin A can cause dryness, itching, and loss of skin elasticity. Foods such as carrots, spinach, broccoli and apricots are good sources of vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed to manufacture collagen, which help maintain skin strength. You can feel the benefits of this vitamin in strawberries, oranges, cabbage and tomatoes.

Vitamin E

This is an anti-oxidant vitamins neutralize free radicals, which are highly reactive molecules that can cause aging. Almonds, hazelnuts and wheat germ are some foods that contain Vitamin E.

Vitamin B Complex

This vitamin is needed to maintain a healthy skin tone and helps in the treatment of stress and acne. Including whole grain bread and cereals are an excellent source of B vitamins and also provide fiber needed by the skin to keep it looking healthy.


Zinc works with vitamin A to produce collagen and elastine, which are fibers that can make your skin strong, elastic and supple. Shellfish, whole grains, milk and cheese are some of the best resources from Zinc.

Some types of vitamins and minerals on an additional intake are needed to keep skin in top condition. However, the most important element you need is water. You should drink at least two liters of water a day to keep the body and skin to stay healthy.


The emergence of stress sometimes cannot be avoided. Not only have an impact on the mental and physical stress can also affect your skin condition. American Psychological Association (APA), through research says, when the mind and emotions are not balanced, psychologically will give effect to the changes in skin condition.

Cortisol is known as the stress hormone when the body will react under pressure, and will slow down the improvement of the skin structure and inhibit the growth of collagen and cells.

Here are the common signs of skin shown when you are under stress and how you can do to overcome them:

Dull Skin

As a result of the regeneration of the skin that is not optimal, then the skin will look dull, so it requires a more in-depth treatment. Choose a soap that contains glicolic to remove dead skin cells. Get used to apply a night cream regularly. Note the intake of food and beverages. Consume supplement to nourish the skin. 

Dry Skin

A dermatologist from the University of California, USA, said that chronic stress increases levels of the hormone cortisol, which can damage the skin's ability to retain water. That is the result the skin to lose moisture and become dry. Stress also causes the blood circulation into abnormal, sometimes little or too much, resulting in pale skin, red and dry.

To choose skin care products that contains hypoallergenic and low PH areas.

Oily Skin

Testosterone hormone production generally increased when the body is under stress, thereby producing excess oil. Use beauty products that do not contain oil. We should not use toners that contain alcohol. We must do a routine cleansing.